Sunday, 14 June 2009

My Finals

My finals are intended to represent the business of cities and how all cities almost look the same.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Another 3D Model

Originally the model is an A4 size

i choose to make a bigger model to see what effext a bigger model has.

i don't feel that all the layers in this model work well with each other, the overall appearance isn't aesthetically pleasing

Nottingham Vs Lonodn

A too straight forward and boring Photograph??

Comparing Cities and Towns

Although the edits in this image in Photoshop are a little rough, the over all effect is okay. in hind sight i should have blurred the two paths together so that they become one.

i wanted to combine a village and a city together so see if they work wihtin ecah other, this i have managed and it create an interesting photo.

Playing with layouts

I prefer the second image, the fact it hasn't been tightly cropped to me just adds to the image, it appears to be a little more unusual.

A PhotoCollage

Im not entirely positive about this photograph; i feel it matches Hockney's style too much

My First 3D model

The original model is only A6 size
I have nearly completed a new project where i am investigating how cities are viewed what makes them different from each other. i want to my images to show the clutter within all cities and how we view them.

The following images are my attempts to show this.